Why Is It So Hard to Say “I’m Sorry”

If only you realized how much saying “I’m Sorry” could save your life, you would have rehearsal lessons in your bathroom mirror every night before you went to sleep.  These two words are two of the most powerful words on the planet and they work together to do a few amazing things that I would like to explain to you. 

But before I do, I want you to realize that there are some people that abuse the words by using them with no meaning or intent to change.  So I’m not really writing to them, but rather the few people that feel sorry deep in their soul, want to say it, but just find it so difficult to get it out.  I’m going to explain it’s benefits and also tell you the BIG SECRET about the words that will change your perspective forever.

#1: They feel threatened (The Big Secret)

Now most people would call this feeling vulnerable, but it’s actually not just vulnerability – it’s threatened.  Our brains release a chemical that enters our bloodstream called cortisol. The chemical is released when we are afraid, anxious or in danger.  The chemical helps our muscular system and limbs prepare for fight or flight responses.  Often when you struggle with saying “I’m Sorry” you don’t realize that inside of yourself, your body feels threatened and is figuring out how to defend itself.  The problem with the brain is that sometimes it reads its environment incorrectly and you have to teach it to relax. The words “I’m sorry” weakens those defenses and puts us in a state of calm that let’s the body know that things are well and its safe to take responsibility for what you’ve done wrong. Your brain and body don’t naturally know that.

Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, but try if you really feel it. You can learn to get it right.


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