Controlling The ‘Vibe’ In Your Relationship
Every relationship needs ‘Positive Vibes’ and the only way to get them is to create them. Think about this. Just as much as you don’t want to feel bad in your relationship, neither does your partner. There are enough... Read more
High-Conflict Relationships
“When we’re good, we’re good, but when we’re bad – well… let’s just say we’re really bad.” Every relationship has its challenges and every challenge has a solution. To get to that solution you have to chart out a... Read more
Suicide is the result of an internal pain so deep that the person experiencing it often has difficulty expressing how painful it is. It’s a pain so secret that most people around it’s victim often miss its warning signs. A combination of biological, sociological and... Read more
A Very Happy Ending
You can’t have a story without having a journey. It’s your journey that creates the story. You wouldn’t watch a movie if only one thing happened in the movie. There has to be a sequences of things that happen for you to invest your time in the story line. The same is tr... Read more
Look Again!
It was seven o’clock on a beautiful Sunday morning. Toni had been grieving the loss of a five-year relationship. Her adjustment to the separation was very difficult. She had trouble emotionally, trouble sleeping and was suffering from depression because of the relationship ... Read more
Affects of Divorce on Children Are Making Parents Reconsider
The awkward thing about divorce is not just ending the conflict. It’s the complexity of the grief that comes along with it, that is so difficult to overcome. There are several reasons why this grief is so complicated. One obviously, is because of the loss. The grief of ... Read more
Take Control of Your Thoughts
Why Is It So Hard to Say “I’m Sorry”
If only you realized how much saying “I’m Sorry” could save your life, you would have rehearsal lessons in your bathroom mirror every night before you went to sleep. These two words are two of the most powerful words on the planet and they work together to do a fe... Read more
Gemini Man – I See Myself
I’ll never forget the first season I coached my son’s football game. Sometimes I wonder if he remembers the details as clearly as I do. God, I loved watching him run that ball! He ran with such pride, such stamina – totally focused on getting into the end zone so he could ... Read more
Jean vs. Guyer Case
Everything Forgiveness Is Not
As I watched the final court proceedings and sentencing hearing related to the execution of Botham Jean by Amber Guyer, I was deeply saddened on levels too extensive to write ... Read more
When One Partner Outshines The Other
Competition in marriage plays as much of an important role as love and most couples are not even aware of how significant of a role competition is playing in their relationship. They would like to believe that competition should not exist in the relationship if you really love e... Read more
Uncovering Shame
There are moments in everyone’s life that they are just not proud of. Moments that live with them for the rest of their life. Moments they can’t forget, regardless of how hard they try. In my book, “Unbreaking The Heart” I discussed five simple steps to forgiving anybody ... Read more
The Truth About Love & Loss
Sometimes I ask myself, “Why do people get married?” I mean, is it just some little cute thing that looks flattering to the public or does it have real meaning? What is it? Why is it? And why does it feel so fake to so many?
I mean, think about it. Most people want... Read more
Unfold Your Fist; A Message To Men
No one really understands your fight. No one really understands your pain. But you know deep down inside of yourself that you try! You try to do all you can to make life work for you and the people that love you. They don’t always see it and if they did they would pretend t... Read more
Waiting for Mr. Right – With Mr. Wrong
How many times have you told yourself that you were wasting your time? How many times have they shown you that they are just not into you? How many times have you justified their fake love to make it feel real? How many times have you had to make excuses for their excus... Read more